Plasser American Grinding Services
coming soon
The future of rail treatment has already begun today, with Plasser American offering a wide variety of innovative technologies and services as a full-service provider in the areas of rail measurement technology, rail welding, and rail maintenance as well as track maintenance machinery / technologies.
Measurement technology includes transversal and longitudinal profile measurement, surface crack detection systems, and ultrasound systems. The on-track version of our welding robot APT1500RL ensures a sustainable connection of both rail by using fully automatic flash-butt welding. Rail grinding and rail milling are the two main technologies for rail maintenance, which can be seen as complementary technologies. Rail grinding has the highest productivity in preventive, low metal removal scenarios, whereas rail milling has the advantage in regenerative or heavy corrective scenarios that require high metal removal. The offering of both technologies covers diverging demands and represents a big advantage for our customers.